Health is important to all of us but sometimes we’re not great at putting it amongst our top priorities – what advice can you share to help us stay healthy?
The most important thing I can share is that you need to drink water and stay hydrated! That’s right! Staying hydrated is crucial, water makes up about 60 per cent of our body weight. Drinking water has a great benefit to your health, it helps your skin to stay hydrated, it helps maintain your oxygen, it regulates your body temperature, it clears toxic reactions, it helps you to perform better.
‘Stay hydrated’ is my number one advice to stay healthy. I’m not asking you to drink 8 or 9 glasses of water but staying hydrated daily will only help your brain to function better and improve your blood circulation. Researchers advise us to drink 8 glasses of water, but this is not true, it depends on each individual person and their lifestyle.
Staying hydrated each day is one of the great things you do for your body.