Curious about kinesiology and why it’s been exploding in popularity recently?
While medicine has advanced greatly, people still decide to turn to alternative treatments. This could be because traditional medicine couldn’t find the cause, that the patient wants to avoid medicine, or even because the patient simply prefers natural treatments.
One of the front-liners in this natural health movement, is kinesiology.
Here is some information that explains what exactly a kinesiologist does, and why there is a growing demand for them.
A kinesiologist uses non-invasive healing therapy.
Through studying muscle movements, they can prevent and rehabilitate any muscle issues, ease the patient’s pain, and improve their motion. Their opinion is even valuable to orthopedic surgeons who rely on them to provide professional insight.
Since the body works together as a whole, by improving physical functions in one area — you can see improvements in others and even at a mind or spiritual level.
If you are interested in pursuing a career in kinesiology, you will need to participate in an accredited course.
All qualified kinesiologist will have had to go through these courses. After completion of studies, they will then need to pass an exam to acquire licensure and certification to practice. Some may take their education a step further and take a master practitioner course.
Kinesiologists are often skilled in other treatments. This can include chiropractic, medicine, physiotherapy, Human Kinetics, occupational and physical therapy, Exercise Science, AND Exercise Physiology.
Every human being has a flow of energy within the body.
Kinesiologist evaluates this energy flow by performing various tests on the muscles to find any imbalances of energy in the patient’s body. By doing this, kinesiologists can identify and correct any energy blockages that are the root causes of any problems.
People today, more than ever, are working hard to change their lifestyles into healthier ones.
This includes practicing yoga, being physically active every day, and introducing new methods and techniques into their lives in order to maintain their health until old age.
Holistic and natural health treatments are the perfect solution for this movement. Kinesiologists will continue to grow in demand because of people who need treatment for chronic pain, arthritis, soft tissue injuries, and many more discomforts.